Coronoa FAQ

Caring for Your Eyes Amidst Covid-19

Top Covid-19 Questions

Naturally, many of you are concerned about your eyes, during these unprecedented times. We’ve taken the top questions we’ve been asked over the last few weeks for our senior optometrist to answer. 

 I’ve lost or broken my glasses what should I do?

This is the most common question we have been asked so far. We’re help to help you in any way we can. Call us at your local branch and we will be able help you replace your pair where we can with your current prescription. We may be able to replicate your last pair and arrange contactless collection.

I’m due an eye examination now, what should I do?

In line with the current NHS guidelines, we, along with other opticians around the country, are not providing routine eye examinations. If you are due a routine eye examination we will call you once we are fully operational.

 Can I clean my glasses with hand sanitiser?

Please don’t! The ingredients in hand sanitisers damages the surface of the lenses and causes streaks and smears. The alcohol properties in the hand sanitiser may also irritate your eyes. Use a normal glasses cleaner or warm water with soap to clean your glasses. You can read more by clicking here.

Is it safe to wear contact lenses?

Contact lens wearers touch their eyes more than the average person. Consider wearing glasses more often, especially if you tend to touch your eyes a lot when your contacts are in. Substituting glasses for lenses can reduce eye irritation, and they may be a barrier that reminds you not to touch your eye.

If you have to wear contact lenses, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds followed by drying them with unused paper towels before applying or removing your contact lenses. 

Should I still continue using my eyedrops?

Yes, you should continue using any eyedrops that you have been prescribed. Be extra careful each time you put in your eye drops – wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water before you put them in. After putting the eye drops in, close your eyes for 30 seconds, and dab your eyes with a clean tissue and avoid rubbing them.

I am a diabetic and glaucoma patient with an eye condition what should I do?

If you under hospital care, you should keep in touch with the hospital. If you are under our care, we will have to delay your appointment but you will be on our priority list when we are fully operational. If you do any concerns please call us and we’ll help you.

Remember, we are here for you and if you’re unsure of anything you can call us. Find your local branch by clicking here.

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